My name is Štěpán Franc and I will be glad to offer you exquisite tours of the Golden Prague’s highlights and its amazing history and other beautiful towns of the Czech Republic.
Мемориал Терезин - Вторник, четверг, пятница и воскресенье 8:45
Чешский Крумлов регулярные рейсы - каждый день в 8:45 утра.
Mateřské školky
Informace o průvodci
Master degree of Religious Science, Charles University, Prague
Pracovní zkušenosti
Do you want to know why are Czechs called Czechs and not anything else? Or why is Prague called Praha in Czech?
The Prague town brings with it many interesting medieval legends, ghost stories and myths as well as the secret language of architecture, house signs and sculptures.
The aim of my guiding is to make your visit as much valuable and enjoyable as possible with a rich and diverse program tailored especially to your need and interests. You will be enriched with splendid memories and wonderful pictures that will stay with you long afterwards.
Czech Republic is “A trip to remember”!!!
I will be pleased to provide you with any other information you might be interested on in person.
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