
English Turkish


My name is Müjdat SÖNMEZ. I am from Turkey originally, but been in Czech Republic since year 2000. At the age of 35 I rebooted my life, I came out, moved out of my country… Anyway, when I came to Prague I was so unhappy, lost and wounded. But Prague was good to me. She healed me, put a smile back on my face, even gave me love of my life later on. So, I owe her. I am in love with city and I want everyone to love her as much as I do. Let me show you.

Yes, I am a Pisces. J


Popular tours

Jewish Town Walking Tour

Jewish Town Walking Tour

Český Krumlov regular trips - every day at 8:45 a.m.

Český Krumlov regular trips - every day at 8:45 a.m.

One-hour cruise on the Vltava River

One-hour cruise on the Vltava River

Informations about this guide


Hacettepe University, Linguistic Department

Dokuz Eylül University, Theatre Studies

Work experience

  • I’ve been guiding for 17 years now. Throughout this time I have guided 30-40 people groups not only in Prague and other Czech Republic towns, but also in so many major cities of Europe like Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Hamburg, Salzburg, Helsinki, Warsaw, Krakow, Riga, Tallin, Vilnius.


  • TYRKYS, Kurz Průvodce Cestovního Ruchu


18th Apr 2017

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