
Engels bulharština Tsjechisch

Ivanova Plamena

Prague is a beautiful city, you will be amazed by rich culture, architecture, history and romance. As a licensed tour guide in Prague and Prague Jewish Quarter, I am organizing trips trough Prague and the Czech Republic in English, Czech and Bulgarian. I will be glad to arrange accommodation, any kind of walking or driving tours for individuals and groups during your stay in Prague and Czech Republic.


Oblíbené prohlídky

eGuide Karlovy Vary

eGuide Karlovy Vary

Door de voetstappen van de Fluwelen Revolutie

Door de voetstappen van de Fluwelen Revolutie

Oude en Nieuwe Stad

Oude en Nieuwe Stad

Informace o průvodci


Sofia University / Department of Slavonic Studies / MA in Translation and Editing

Licensed guide in Prague and Jewish Quarter

Pracovní zkušenosti

  • Prague, Prague Jewish Museum, Karlovy Vary, Kutna Hora, Cesky Krumlov, Konopiste, Plzen, Cesky Sternberk, Karlstejn


  • Licensed guide in Prague /Bulgarian and English/ PIS 2000
  • Licensed guide in Prague Jewish Quarter / PIS 2009
  • Bulgarian – native language
  • English – B2, FCE /University of Cambrige ESOL Examinations/2007
  • Czech - C1, UJOP Charles University Czech language certificate exam/2012

Stranky pruvodce:
